How to make money on YouTube

How to make money on YouTube

One billion YouTube videos are viewed each day worldwide. The immense popularity of the platform has transformed it from an entertainment channel to a powerful monetization tool for businesses and personal brands.

So, if you are interested in making money on YouTube, now is the best time to start. We recommend starting by creating a website to host your videos and create a home for your brand, and then sharing your content on YouTube. This will not only increase your reach but also help you earn money from your fans. In this article, we’ll take a look at seven of the most effective ways to monetize your YouTube videos.

YouTube Monetization Basics make money on YouTube

How to make money on YouTube
How to make money on YouTube

Before we dive into the best ways to make money on YouTube, we wanted to cover some information about how YouTube works and some broad strategies that will be relevant regardless. irrespective of the monetization strategy you pick.

To get started on YouTube, you need to create a channel to host your videos. However, uploading video content will not automatically earn you money. So, make sure you enable monetization in your settings when setting up your account. This will allow you to earn money from your YouTube videos. At this point, you can decide which monetization tactics to work with.

Another important thing to note is that you can make money from your YouTube channel even without millions of subscribers. One of the best ways to do this is to understand your audience and then target them with relevant content. Try to put yourself in the shoes of your subscribers, or those you want to follow you in the future.

Once you have a solid understanding of your audience, your next goal should be engagement. Think deeply about what kind of content they will be interested in, what will be most useful to them, and how you can encourage viewers to click, comment, or subscribe. Only then can you create videos that are sure to be successful with one of the following monetization methods.

How to make money on YouTube:

1. Become a YouTube Partner.

2. Sell merchandise.

3. Crowdfunding

4. Use fan funding.

5. License to Media

6. Create sponsored content

7. Become an affiliate marketer.

01. Become a YouTube Partner.

Once you’ve started a YouTube channel, you can join the YouTube Partner Program to access exclusive monetization features, including serving ads, displaying merchandise, and more.

How to make money on YouTube
How to make money on YouTube

While joining is completely optional, it gives you access to multiple channels to earn money, including premium subscription fees and merchandise shelves. How to join YouTube Partners is as follows:

Step 1: Follow the guidelines.

When you first apply for the Partner Program, YouTube will review your channel for compliance. For this reason, you should familiarize yourself with the platform’s monetization policies, and ensure that your content adheres to the rules whenever you upload a YouTube video.

Your content will be constantly reviewed, even as you grow your channel and start making money from it. If you’re accepted as a partner, check the latest compliance policies to make sure you’re up to date.

Step 2: Meet the YouTube Partner Program Requirements

To join the program, you must be a successful YouTuber. By 2020 the criteria for inclusion is that your channel has reached 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 subscribers in the last 12 months. Only once you meet or exceed these numbers can you apply to become a YouTube partner.

Step 3: Apply to join the program.

If you meet the requirements, you can apply to join the program by following these steps:

Go to the upper right of the YouTube homepage. Select Creator Studio by clicking on the symbol for your account.

• On the left, click Channel. Then, select Status and Features.

•Click Enable next to the Monetization box.

Assent to the YouTube Partner Program’s rules.

Step 4: Set up AdSense

As part of the application process, you’ll need to set up an AdSense account associated with your profile to ensure you’ll earn and get paid for your videos. Note that you can only have one such account and multiple channels can be linked to a single account.

Step 5: Review.

Once you’ve applied to become a YouTube partner and set up an AdSense account, your channel will be queued up for review. At this point, your channel will be thoroughly examined for compliance with the rules by both automatic systems and humans.

Step 6: Explore your monetization options.

If you have been accepted by YPP, congratulations! It’s time to set your ad preferences and enable monetization.

You can choose from a wide range of YouTube monetization options, but remember that each of them has different eligibility requirements:

• Ad revenue: Earn money by including display, overlay, or video ads with your content. You must be at least 18 years old or have a legal guardian who is willing to take care of your payments to accomplish this. Additionally, your work must adhere to advertiser-friendly content standards.

• Channel Memberships: Offer exclusive benefits to channel members who make recurring monthly payments. You need to be older than 18 and have 30,000+ subscribers.

• Merchandise Shelf: Showcase official branded merchandise on your Watch Pages for your fans to browse and purchase. You need to be older than 18 and have more than 10,000 subscribers to qualify for this option.

• Super Chat and Super Stickers: Earn money from fans who pay to have their messages featured in chat streams. You must be at least 18 years old and live in a country where Super Chat is available.

• YouTube Premium Earnings: Earn a share of a YouTube Premium subscriber’s membership fee when they watch your videos.

02. Sell merchandise.

Selling products on YouTube is another option to generate income. You can offer items you already sell on other platforms or you can develop a brand-new collection based on the material on your channel. Keep in mind that you are more likely to make sales if your videos already have a fan following, so focus on building your popularity before you start creating such products.

Step 1: Design your product.

Your products should represent your brand, resonate with your target market, and foster a sense of community for your channel. When you dream up your products, think of something relevant to your niche that will interest your audience. Note that you can check your YouTube analytics to get a better understanding of the types of people interested in your content.

For example, if your channel is about makeup or beauty, you might want to sell branded cosmetics or makeup bags. On the other hand, if you are a YouTube fitness instructor you can consider selling branded fitness equipment and energy bars. You can also poll your audience to ask what kinds of products they are most interested in.

Step 2: Source and build your product

Now, it’s time to bring your product ideas to life. You will likely need a manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer to manufacture and deliver your products to you. You can also try drop shipping, a method by which a manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer ships the products directly to customers.

Whichever method you choose, be careful not to overstock in the beginning. Instead, start with just 1-2 products and produce them in small quantities. That way, you’ll have time to gauge their popularity and predict how many people will buy them.

Step 3: Start an Online Store

To handle transactions, you need to create an online store. It will allow you to manage end-to-end fulfillment, accept secure online payments, and more. Having a professional e-commerce site will also boost your brand’s reputation while giving your audience a dedicated platform to browse your merchandise.

Step 4: Activate your merchandise shelf.

The built-in retail shelf on YouTube is also available to YouTube partners. It lets you display up to 12 official brand products on your channel’s video page to showcase the items to your viewers.

Step 5: Promote the product in your YouTube videos.

Once you’ve created your products and set up your website, spread the word by promoting them in your videos. Think of creative ways to present the merchandise to the audience, such as wearing or using it or featuring customers with your products.

End your videos by reminding users to like, subscribe and check out your website. You should also include a link to your online store in the description section so that customers can seamlessly visit your website and make purchases.

03. Crowdfunding

How to make money on YouTube
How to make money on YouTube

Crowdfunding is the process of raising money from a large number of people, whether they are friends, family, or third parties who are interested in your project. This is a viable option to make money on YouTube if you want to earn monthly income or jumpstart your efforts Looking for a one-time donation for the run.

Step 1: Join a crowdfunding site.

You must first sign up for a crowdfunding platform. For a variety of choices, check out YouTube‘s list of authorized crowdfunding websites. Some of the most well-known include:

• Kickstarter

• Indiegogo


• Angel. I


It’s important to keep in mind that some platforms work best for funding one-time projects while others support long-term fundraising. Whatever your preference, be sure to choose a platform that suits your needs.

Step 2: Promote your crowdfunding efforts.

After creating an account, you’ll need to raise awareness of your campaign. This is where your YouTube channel goes. You may explain the history of your project or brand through films. Create interest, excitement, and suspense by keeping your fans up to date on your fundraising progress. Also, attract donors by offering rewards – such as shoutouts, exclusive content, or free merchandise – depending on the amount of their contribution.

To increase awareness, combine your YouTube videos with other social media marketing strategies. Share information about your campaign along with links to your crowdfunding page and YouTube videos on your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. At the same time, you can increase the visibility of your content on Google by improving your YouTube SEO.

04. Use fan funding.

How to make money on YouTube
How to make money on YouTube

Another option to make money on YouTube is fan funding. While crowdfunding platforms target the general crowd for donations, fan funding specifically sources funds from your audience.

Step 1: Join a fan-funding platform.

By signing up for a dedicated platform, you can start using fan funding. One of the most popular is Patreon, which provides tools for content creators to earn frequent, long-term support from their fans.

Another option is to do fan funding directly through YouTube using YouTube’s built-in features. For this, you need to become a YouTube partner first. As a partner, you can collect money by offering channel subscriptions, which take the form of a join button directly below your YouTube videos. By clicking this button, fans will be given the option to provide regular support in exchange for benefits such as custom badges, custom emojis, and exclusive content.

Additional YouTube features included in the Partner Program include Super Chat and Super stickers, which let fans pay you in exchange for pinned comments and animated graphics, respectively.

Step 2: Promote Your Fan Funding Efforts

To run a successful fan funding campaign, you’ll need to get the word out to your audience so they have an opportunity to contribute. End your videos by politely inviting viewers to support your work.

05. License to Media

Most content doesn’t go viral. When this happens, however, many news organizations want copies so they can replay it for their audience. In this case, you can make money by licensing the media and charging them a license fee for permission to use it.

Step 1: Make sure you prominently display your contact information.

For making content viral, there is no actual formula. Sometimes all it takes is a good marketing plan and an opening. If you create a viral video, the first thing you should do is make your contact information easy to find. This will improve the chances that news outlets will approach the organization and offer payment in exchange for a licensed copy.

Create an email account containing your YouTube channel name, and place it on your website and in the description section of your YouTube channel. Explain with a clear and direct statement who this email address is for, such as: For business inquiries, please contact [email address].

Step 2: Join the video rights marketplace.

You can also pay to have your videos listed on the video rights marketplace. This makes finding and purchasing your material for media pros simple. Join Media, for example, is a video rights marketplace that stores your files in its content library and sends them to news channels, advertising agencies, and other organizations. If these organizations decide to use your content, you will earn money.

06. Create sponsored content to make money on YouTube

If your channel gets attention, you can become an influencer and earn money on YouTube with sponsored content. Once you have a large and engaged following, you may be able to earn profits by endorsing branded products.

Step 1: Find a brand to sponsor.

As you grow your YouTube subscriber base, brands can start reaching out for collaborations. When this happens, it’s a good idea to research brands and their products before promoting them on your channel. Endorse products that you can honestly recommend to fans so you don’t compromise on the quality of your content.

If you have a specific brand in mind that you want to sponsor, you can reach out to them yourself and explain how they would benefit from working with you. For example, you can tell them why your target audience is relevant, how many people subscribe to your channel, and how much engagement your videos get.

Joining influencer networks like Grapevine Logic, Famebit, Channel Pages, and CrowdTap will help you locate brands. Some companies sponsor sponsorships in these impressive markets Some will give away free products, while others will offer payment.

Step 2: Create branded content

Once you partner with a brand, you can promote it on your channel to generate revenue. For example, you can create entire videos focused on a brand or include products in other video content. Many beauty influencers, for example, sponsor beauty products as part of a broader makeup tutorial.

07. Become an affiliate marketer to make money on YouTube

How to make money on YouTube
How to make money on YouTube

Using affiliate marketing to promote brands and items is an additional choice. As an affiliate marketer, you will receive an exclusive link to the company’s website that links back to your page. When people buy from the company using this link, they will receive a commission from the sales.

Because the brand only pays you when you make a sale – rather than just getting paid to recommend their brand – you don’t need a huge fan base to get started. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Join the affiliate program.

There are many affiliate programs you can join. A popular option is Amazon Associates, which is a good choice for newcomers to affiliate marketing and offers up to 10% commission. Other major brands, such as Target and BestBuy, also have affiliate programs.

For more options, take a look at affiliate marketing platforms like:

• CJ Affiliate

• Rakuten Advertising

• ShareASale

• Effects of

make money on YouTube

Using these platforms, you will be able to connect with different brands and get affiliate links that you can use to sell.

Step 2: Reach out to brands.

The simplest way to interact with brands is to join one of these platforms, but you can also get in touch with businesses that you’re interested in promoting and that you believe would benefit your audience. There will be When you contact them, be sure to explain how they will benefit from the collaboration and why your fans would be a good audience for their brand.

Step 3: Feature the product in your content.

Once you connect with a brand and get an affiliate link, add the product to your videos. Be sure to integrate them seamlessly into your content so you don’t seem overly promotional, as this may turn off some of your fans. Instead, recommend products in a way that provides real value to your audience.

A pair of high-quality athletic shoes might be promoted by a virtual exercise instructor, for instance. An outdoor enthusiast, on the other hand, may recommend a particular brand of camping gear. The more relevant the products and brands are to your fans, the more they will enjoy your content, and the more likely they will buy.

Step 4: Add an affiliate link.

Finally, place affiliate links in the description of relevant videos. At the end of your video, remind users of the products you recommend, and let them know they can buy them using the link below.

How Much Money Can You Make On YouTube?

Now that you know how to make money on YouTube, you’re probably wondering if you can make it enough for a full-time job. These statistics provide some insight into how much YouTubers earn:

  • • Google pays 68% of its AdSense revenue to the video creator. This means that for every $100 an advertiser pays, Google will pay you $68.
  • • YouTube advertisers pay an average of $0.18 per view for their ads.
  • • This means that a YouTube channel can receive, on average, $3-5 per 1000 video views.

The amount of money you earn from other YouTube monetization strategies — whether it’s selling merchandise or creating affiliate content — depends on your marketing efforts and the number of fans you have. As with many things, the answer is not black and white. You might start making some extra money on your own – and later, with enough hard work and persistence, make a comfortable living off of it. We recommend experimenting with different monetization options to find the one that works best for you and will earn you the most money.

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