How to make money from blogging

How to make money from blogging

There are Other different ways to monetize a blog. Explore different online revenue models and popular strategies to monetize your blog.

How to make money from blogging
How to make money from blogging

If you have a blog or site – or are thinking of starting one – it’s never too late to start making money with it. This article covers various online revenue models and popular strategies for digital content monetization.

Let’s start with the basics. What is Monetization? When you earn income from online content on your blog, that’s monetization.

To start Earning money from your blog

• Advertisements

• Affiliate Marketing

• Offering physical or digital products

• Subscriptions

• Coaching

Ads Monetization: Serve ads on your blog to earn money.

As a blog publisher, advertising can provide a healthy source of income for your online content. Advertisers are willing to pay to gain access to your audience. Just as a newspaper with a large circulation can charge advertisers more, the more popular your site and content are, the more you can earn.

This is called a direct deal. You can also use ad networks – such as Google Adsense – to sell your ad space on your behalf.

The way AdSense works are to serve ads that are relevant to the content displayed on a specific page of your blog. For example, if your blog is about adventure travel and you just uploaded a post about a trip to Reykjavik, AdSense might show an ad about travel insurance, Iceland or warm clothing. The owner of the website where the ad is showing, AdSense pays you when a user views or Visits your ad.

With the ability to make online advertising relevant to your blog content and readers, many advertisers are willing to pay a premium price for your ad space.

Affiliate Marketing: Earn income through product recommendations.

How to make money from blogging
How to make money from blogging

Affiliate marketing is when you include a link in your content to sell a product or service on another site. Here’s how it works: When someone clicks on a link on your site, goes to an affiliate’s site and proceeds to buy a product you’ve endorsed, you make the sale. Get commission.

For blogs with an engaged audience of people interested in product recommendations, this can be a viable revenue model.

Using the adventure travel blog example again, say you posted a story about a trip to a wild swimming spot. You can use affiliate marketing to recommend the gear – such as swimsuits, towels, and goggles – that you’ve packed for your trip. When a blog reader clicks on a link to a swimsuit you recommend and then buys it, you earn income from your blog.

To ensure you maintain the trust of your audience, aim to be transparent about your affiliate relationships. Disclosing your affiliate relationships is also a legal requirement in many countries, so be sure to speak with legal counsel before getting involved in affiliate marketing. Also, remember that your blog’s reputation is tied to the product or service you’re promoting, so focus on quality when choosing your affiliate partners.

Physical or digital product offering: Sell things to make money from your blog.

As a way to monetize their blogs, many bloggers establish a presence on an e-commerce platform, create an online store, and start selling products. Your products can be physical or digital. In the example of an adventure travel blog, you could sell t-shirts featuring your logo or digital guidebooks to exotic destinations.

Selling physical goods requires you to think about storing your stock, managing shipping, and handling taxes and duties.

If your blog has an active community eager to learn more about your topic, a paid membership or subscription model is another way to use your valuable content to generate revenue in the long run.

In this business model, readers pay a fixed amount regularly, usually monthly or annually. By collecting membership or subscription fees from readers this way, you can generate recurring revenue. This type of continuous cash flow provides more stable, predictable, and accurate income potential.

badIn Lay, you may offer premium content, community areas, learning resources, videos, or additional services and tools to subscribers or members. You can combine many of these elements. According to your blog.

Coaching: Monetize your blog through coaching.

If your blog lends itself to training services, you can make money by organizing and charging for online courses or coaching packages.

When you create self-guided instructional content such as videos or downloadable eBooks, you allow your audience members to progress at their own pace. As people progress through your course, you can gauge their interest in other topics to cover.

Developing an online curriculum requires significant time and resources upfront, so you’ll need an engaged audience to make it viable.

Another option to increase your income is to offer live video coaching and get paid for your time.

Whether your offering is based on an online course or on-demand coaching, you can also include opportunities to interact with your students via email or within your blog.

Our guide gives you a solid action plan to get your blog off the ground and turn it into a profitable home-based small business.

How to start a blog

You have two main options when it comes to setting up a blog – you can use a free blogging platform, or you can build your website.

1. Free blogging platform

Best for Casual bloggers and people who are not interested in making money from their blogs.

Disadvantages: Limits on customization and video/image uploads, you can’t advertise frequently or use affiliate links, you can’t create custom URLs and the platform reserves the right to delete your blog.

Many platforms will allow you to set up a blog for free, and they are very easy to use. If you want to blog casually at first, this might be a good fit for you.

But, free blogging platforms can be very limited. You’ll only be able to customize to a limited extent, and your blog will have storage limits that can make it difficult to upload large videos and images.

Another drawback is that your blog URL will be something like ‘’ with platform branding.

Most free blogging platforms also don’t allow you to place banner ads or affiliate links on your site, which are important streams of income for most bloggers.

However, if these things don’t bother you, here is a quick list of the best free online blogging platforms.

Best Blogging Sites – This is a free basic blog hosting service that is easy to use. You should tolerate WordPress promotions and marks except if you pay a month-to-month expense. It is likewise unrealistic to procure promotion income except if you pay for a top-notch, business or web-based business bundle.

Blogger – Google’s free blog facilitating administration, Blogger, is extremely simple to utilize. However, the customization and plan choices are extremely restricted, and there aren’t numerous choices if you need to add new highlights.

It is used by many journalists, authors, and experts and is a great way to share your work with a specific community. You can’t run any ads and it’s hard to create your branding.

2. Build your website

Best for Dedicated bloggers and people who want to make money from their blogs.

How to make money from blogging
How to make money from blogging

Pros: Full control over design and customization, your custom URL and the ability to use ads and affiliate links however you want.

Cons: You have to pay. First for your domain name (URL) and then for hosting, but we have tips on cheap web hosting.

If you’re not particularly tech-savvy, the idea of building your website can seem quite daunting. But actually, it’s very easy to do, and you can make one in just 20 minutes.

Owen, the founder of Save the Student, has written an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide on how to start a website.

With your website, you will be able to create unique personal branding (with your URL), and there is no risk of your blog being deleted by the platform – you will own the site. And will be in complete control.

WordPress has an insane amount of templates or ‘themes’ for you to choose from – take your time and decide which one suits both your personality and your blog’s theme.

Choose something clear and simple, with room for large images and easy-to-read fonts (Comic Sans and Courier fonts are a no-no).

How to Choose a Blog Title

This can be the easiest or hardest part of starting your blog.

One of the biggest mistakes new bloggers make in such a crowded blogosphere is starting a blog without trying to do something surprising or different.

For example, if fashion is your thing, instead of putting together general fashion content, you could instead blog about eco-conscious designers with your deep concern for the environment. Can you combine your love for clothes?

Here are some great ways to find a topic for your new blog:

1. Check out other blogs – This should be your first port of call. What is already successful? And more importantly, what is missing? Find vacancies in the market.

2. Use Google – What are people searching for? This door Use Google’s suggested searches and autocomplete to find what people are looking for. If they’re looking for it, it shows there’s a demand.

3. Search forums for common FAQs – When people can’t find answers to their questions, they go to forums. What are they asking? What advice do they need? It will show what people are interested in and what is lacking in available information.

4. Track current trends – What topics are currently in the media? It’s good to choose a topic with longevity, but if you can piggyback on a trend early on, you can establish yourself as an expert on it before anyone else. Searching #journorequest on Twitter reveals what types of topics journalists are currently reporting on.

5. Think about different types of content – can you do a tutorial/how-to guide? Reviews? Interviews? Lists? It may not be what you write about, but how you write sets you apart.

6. Identify your interests and passions – While all of the above are important, there’s no point in blogging about something you’re not interested in.

How to increase your blog traffic.

Once you’ve created your website, come up with a blog title, and published your first posts, the big question is where are all the readers?

Different ways to promote your blogs

1. Promote your blog on social media.

2. Like any business these days, if you don’t have social media accounts you’re unlikely to get noticed.

We recommend setting up pages/accounts for your blog on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and even LinkedIn (after all, you’re your business, right?). Design in a consistent color scheme/theme so your brand is consistent and easily recognizable.

Use them to share new posts and tag fellow bloggers/influencers/companies who can share your content and help reach an even larger audience.

You can also put in some paid advertising to help your blog reach a wider audience, or run a contest to generate more likes. Once you have followers, keep them interested by posting regularly (not just for new blog posts).

3. Connect with other bloggers.

Familiarize yourself with other people who blog about similar topics. Even though you’re technically a competitor, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how supportive the blogger community can be.

Many bloggers also have a ‘links’ page on their site which they use to link to many of their friends in the community in exchange for a link on their blog. This will help massively with your SEO (that’s Search Engine Optimization – how likely your blog is to pop up in Google searches).

If you engage with other bloggers and share their content, they will likely return the favor. You can even work on some collaborations!

4. Respond to news on your blog.

5. If there is something in the news that is related to your niche, get involved. This is what we call ‘newsjacking’ and it can work a treat to get you some great exposure.

For example, if you blog about student cooking on the cheap, keep an eye out for things like our latest Student Money Survey reveals. Students can spend an average of £101 a month on groceries, but you can show them how to spend less (while eating better!).

How to make money from blogging
How to make money from blogging

You can take to social media to have your say with relevant hashtags, join conversations and even tell journalists you’re available for comment.

If you own your space, journalists can come to you.

6. Create viral content

This may be easier said than done, but the key to creating viral content is to look for controversial or much-discussed topics related to your specific blogging field.

Since this is your niche, you’ll be passionate, opinionated, and knowledgeable about it, so you’ll be able to post opinions that people want to read, share and talk about.

How to make money blogging

Once you’ve got your blog up and running, you can (finally!) start looking for ways to monetize it.

Here are the best and easiest ways to earn money as a blogger: How to make money

7. Use affiliate marketing on your blog.

8. Affiliate marketing works by adding tracked affiliate links to your blog text. Whenever someone You can make a small commission if a reader clicks on your recommended site and makes a purchase.

9. Links will take readers to a brand’s website, and the money you get is to say ‘thank you to some of your lovely readers for sending them to their site.

10. Almost all online e-commerce websites have some kind of affiliate program, such as Amazon, ASOS and Apple.

11. Sign up in the adjacent window. Leading brands and services from around the world.

12. Money-saving blogger, Claire Roach revealed:

13. We mainly use affiliate marketing as our main source of income, although there is also Google Adsense for an extra few pounds per month.

Many companies offer affiliate programs so it’s really easy to find an affiliate program to join and start earning commissions.

Being authentic and genuine is key to affiliate marketing. Write reviews and articles with your honest opinions and encourage your readers to buy something only if you think it’s a good product or service for them.

14. Add banner ads to your website.

As a more visual way of advertising, you can sell banner ad space on your blog page to brands that are relevant to your readers.

How to make money from blogging

 CPC (Cost Per Click) means you get a fixed payment for each reader who clicks on the ad, while CPM (Cost Per Thousand) means you get paid for every 1,000 ‘impressions’ the ad receives. Will negotiate a fixed payment.

With the development of AdBlocker plugins, CPC and CPM may decrease, but it depends on your industry, and there is little harm in trying them.

15. Write advertisements and sponsored content.

16. According to the bloggers we spoke to, one of the best ways to monetize a blog is to offer sponsored content opportunities (or ads). These are advertisements in the form of a paid article or blog post.

For example, if Adidas brings out a new line of swimwear and you have a blog on women’s sportswear, they might offer to pay you to write an article about their range. You might also be able to add some affiliate links at the top.

This method of monetization usually works best when you have a strong audience.

As Kenzie Harvey of the beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and travel blog Lemonade Lies says:

I’ve only ever had sponsored content opportunities through PR companies, either directly or through apps like Instagram agency Takumi.

17. Charge for sponsored social media posts.

Some people make their entire blogging income through sponsored posts on social media.

You need to buckle down on building your devotees first. Your ‘social verification’ (or the number of individuals that follow you via web-based entertainment) is seen by brands as proof that perusers will like what you post about them.

18. Write guest blog posts for media outlets.

19. Occasionally, members of the press (or even brands that have their blogs) will reach out to you if you’re an authority on a certain topic, asking you to do a little feature on their website.

If you specialize in cooking on a budget, for example, a newspaper might contact you and ask you to contribute some budget-friendly recipes to their cooking magazine.

Don’t be shy about pitching ideas to publications either.

20. Work with an agency to create your blog.

Believe it or not, blogging has become so popular in the advertising world that there are now agencies that work exclusively to promote bloggers to major brands.

Working with an agency can be extremely profitable and give you security, but you’ll need a good following to get you in the first place.

Agency fees are also incredibly high, meaning only the biggest brands will be able to work with you, and smaller independents will be scared away.

Depending on the type of blogging business you are aiming for, this may or may not work to your advantage. To use the ethical fashion blogging example again, agency fees can prevent you from working with the small independent designers you want to promote.

21. Own bills Sell digital products on Ag.

22. If you have expertise or advice, another option is to charge a fee for access to eBooks, video tutorials, courses or workshops.

For this option to work, you need to be able to show that you’re good at what you do, or that your content has proven to be incredibly valuable. It’s not easy.

Convincing online communities to pay can be quite difficult, as people tend to think that everything online should be free. Worth a try though, right?

23. Sell your blog’s newsletter space.

It’s also an option to charge a brand for ad space or your weekly mentions. /monthly newsletter (if you have one!) It will take very little time to do, and you can get a decent amount of money for it.

However, you will need to build a reasonably sized mailing list for brands to consider it.

24. Get noticed by employers as a blogger.

25. Using your blog to promote your business or even get yourself a job is another way to make more money from your blog (albeit indirectly).

26. If you’re one of the many students who sell things online, your blog is the perfect platform to advertise your offering (though don’t go too far, or you’ll turn off readers. ).

27. You can also use your blog as a kind of online profile. It’s about building a reputation, showing off your skills and hopefully landing you a good job.

28. Think of it this way: Your blog is like your own small business. By showing potential employers that you can do this successfully, you are demonstrating that you have an entrepreneurial mind and that you know how to succeed with it.

The biggest challenges when monetizing a blog How to make money

Nothing is achieved without hard work and a few challenges.

Don’t be under the misconception that blog monetization takes time. Many bloggers make money every month just by monetizing their blogs – and that’s after they’ve been working on their blogs for a while.

To have a chance to generate a full-time income through blogging, again, you need multiple income streams from a choice of sources.

Many bloggers decide to make money very early in their blogging journey. Blogger Urszula Makowska explained:

I decided to monetize my blog because I was putting too much time and effort into creating posts, and paying photographers for shoots, and I also wanted to be a full-time blogger. I love blogging and wanted to follow my passion to make a full-time career in blogging. It made me happy.

Another major challenge faced by bloggers is competition. Kelle from the lifestyle website Kelle’s Space advises:

Competing with so many bloggers in the same niche as me for opportunities is a challenge. There is very little work for bloggers.

The blogging market is full of a lot of aspiring bloggers fighting to get noticed. However, if done with dedication and consistency, it is possible.

Siri Jones added:

Blogging is a challenge as it requires a lot of commitment and consistency to monetize it properly.

I managed to make my first £50 in my first month of monetizing, and this month I’ve made just over £200. Now I’m starting to approach companies for sponsored posts, so hopefully, my monthly income will continue to grow!

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