Accident Lawyer


FLORIDA DOG BITE LAWYER: Situated in Tampa, Bradenton, Fort Myers, Orlando, Ocala, Daytona, Melbourne, Naples, Jacksonville, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and West Palm Beach

In the state of Florida, victims of animal assaults including dog bites have options. Florida law gives victims of dog bites and attacks a way to get compensation for costs associated with past and future medical care, lost wages, pain and suffering, and, in certain situations, mental distress. It does this by relying on the legal principles of negligence and intentional tort.

 Bite victims will substantially benefit from hiring the services of an accomplished and committed Florida dog bite attorney in order to receive recompense. Our offices are located in West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Orlando, Fort Myers, Tampa, and Jacksonville. FLORIDA DOG BITE LAWYER

Dog bite incidents that have occurred in Orlando, Tampa, Bradenton, Fort Myers, Jacksonville, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and West Palm Beach

In Florida, there is strict liability for | dog bites | and animal attacks.

Regarding animal assaults and dog bites, Florida law is quite clear. When a dog bites someone in a public setting, the dog’s owner is held accountable. Furthermore, a dog owner is accountable for bites that happen in private spaces as long as the victim is there legally, even if that’s on the owner’s land.

Any losses incurred by the individual who was bitten are covered by this obligation. The way the statute handles the question of prior knowledge of the dog’s viciousness emphasizes how strong this position is. In Florida, culpability is imposed regardless of the dog’s prior history of aggression and regardless of the owner’s awareness or ignorance of the  dog’s viciousness.

Florida is a Comparative Negligence State with Regard to Dog Bites and Animal Attacks

Florida is harsh on dog owners who bite, but it is not forgiving of any foolish actions taken by dog bite victims. Damage laws shall be lowered in proportion to any victim negligence that was reasonably connected to the biting occurrence, according to Florida statute 767.04.

Put simply, neglect is the result of not using appropriate caution or care. To put it more legally, someone is considered negligent if they do not act in a way that would be expected of a reasonably sensible person in the given situation. FLORIDA DOG BITE LAWYER

 Florida is a pure comparative negligence state, which is shown in its stance on carelessness during biting events. Pure comparative negligence theory focuses on striking a balance and assigning blame based on personal accountability. For instance, if someone teases a dog, they might be held partially responsible, which would lower the amount of money they get paid.

What to Do If You Are the Victim of a Dog-Bite or Animal Attack in Florida

Animal assaults and dog bites are underreported issues. 800,000 dog bite victims in the US need medical care each year. Countless others remain untreated. The worst-case scenarios for bites include youngsters, the elderly, and home care personnel. Five to nine-year-old children are the most vulnerable to non-lethal dog attacks.

Furthermore, those who own dogs run a far higher chance of getting bitten than people who don’t. Experts advise standing tall like a tree and allowing the dog to approach you if it wants to when you enter a house with a dog that you are not familiar with. If you don’t want the dog to approach you, avoid making eye contact with it, remain calm, and avoid making loud noises. FLORIDA DOG BITE LAWYER

There is virtually little scientific evidence to support the widespread belief in the media that some dog breeds are more prone to bite than others. Whether a dog is little, medium, or huge, bred for guarding, retrieving, or fitting into a purse, it can cause a major injury and create terrible, lifelong feelings in young children toward dogs.

But because of their size and violence, some breeds are more likely than others to result in a fatality. For instance, pit bulls and rottweilers are responsible for most fatal dog attacks. You might be eligible to sue the dog’s owner for wrongful death if the dog murdered a loved one.


Texas has regulations enacted that impose financial liability on dog owners for the emotional distress and medical expenses resulting from bite events. Texas does, however, follow the “one free bite” principle. This law protects dog owners from legal action up until a point at which they become aware of their dog’s viciousness or danger. This is a two-edged sword because the owner faces strict liability if they know that their dog poses a risk.

Even in cases where the dog in question had no prior history of biting, the Daniel Stark dog bite team has assisted many victims in obtaining financial recompense for their wounds. This one-free-bite policy shouldn’t deter you from getting in touch with our office to ask for assistance.


We don’t charge you unless we win your case because to our No Fee Guarantee®. We also pay for all of the costs associated with establishing your case. These expenditures frequently involve hiring a professional photographer to capture pictures of the victim, paying an investigator to find out the history of the attacking dog, and acquiring the wounded party’s medical records and the animal’s veterinarian records.

These expenses can easily surpass $1,000, but they guarantee that the insurance company will receive the finest possible presentation of your claim. These fees shouldn’t have to be borne by a family that is already dealing with additional expenses due to medical bills.

We don’t charge you unless we win your case because to our No Fee Guarantee®. We also pay for all of the costs associated with establishing your case. These expenditures frequently involve hiring a professional photographer to capture pictures of the victim, paying an investigator to find out the history of the attacking dog, and acquiring the wounded party’s medical records and the animal’s veterinarian records. FLORIDA DOG BITE LAWYER

These expenses can easily surpass $1,000, but they guarantee that the insurance company will receive the finest possible presentation of your claim. These fees shouldn’t have to be borne by a family that is already dealing with additional expenses due to medical bills.

One in Five Dog-Bites Become Infected

The United States experiences 4.5 million dog bites annually, with approximately one in five of those resulting in infection, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That implies that each year, about a million dog bites result in infection. Dog bites can transmit the following germs and viruses to you:

The rabies virus is uncommon but typically deadly if left untreated or treated too late; bacteria called macrophaga are found in dogs and cats and do not normally infect humans. The most vulnerable people are those who have been bitten by a dog and have a weakened immune system; pasteurella bacteria, which causes painful, red swelling, is present in 50% of dog bite wound infections.

The most vulnerable are those with weakened immune systems, who may experience symptoms like swollen glands, swelling joints, and trouble moving. FLORIDA DOG BITE LAWYER

resistant to methicillin A staph infection known as Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is resistant to numerous drug classes. It can result in lung, urinary tract, and skin infections.

Florida Dog-Bite Statistics

Thousands of Floridians suffer dog bites or attacks every year. More than half of bites to victims over the age of 15 happened when they broke up a dog fight. 39 percent of bites that occurred on younger children (those under six years old) had no identified cause, indicating that an adult was not present.

The Florida Health Department reports that children under the age of six were bitten by dogs in 86% of cases. You are entitled to bring a personal injury case if you are bitten by someone else’s dog while trying to break up a dog fight, if the dog bite occurs in a residence where dogs reside, or if the dog bite occurs while you are out on the street to reclaim the damages that were caused to you.

Contact Our Florida Dog-Bite Lawyers

Get medical attention for any wounds you may have if you have been bitten by a dog first. Next, give a knowledgeable and committed Florida dog bite and animal attack attorney a call right now. Victims of animal attacks and dog bites are protected under Florida’s strict liability statute. For your injuries, you are entitled to compensation.

 One of Florida’s most well-known personal injury firms, The Pendas Law Firm, has the exact skilled and knowledgeable attorneys required to manage claims involving animal attacks and dog bites. Please don’t hesitate to contact us right now to find out how we can help you during this difficult time.

With offices in Orlando, Fort Myers, Tampa, Jacksonville, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, and Miami, the Pendas Law Firm is committed to providing its highly skilled and knowledgeable legal team with community service. Get information and assistance from our Florida dog bite attorneys right now.

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